Jimmy Witherspoon - Paul Nagel, Stan Poplin, Jim Baum, Jimmy Witherspoon, Robben Ford
Hytones - Paul Nagel, Stan Poplin, Jim Baum, Paul Contos
HyTones - Stan Poplin, Jim Chanteloup, Paul Contos, Paul Nagel
Cornelius Bumpus Quartet - Mike McKevitt, Bobby Rosenstein, Cornelius Bumpus, Paul Nagel, Marc Van Wageningen
BangZoom - Jeff Carney, Eddie Marshall, Bobby McFerrin, Paul Nagel
Soundcheck with Boz Scaggs
Playing with Boz Scaggs on the Today Show (Eric Crystal - flute)
NLS trio with Anton Schwartz - Paul Nagel, John Shifflett, Jason Lewis
NLS Trio - Paul Nagel, John Shifflett, Jason Lewis
John Shifflett - photo by Andy Nozaka
Jason Lewis
Steve Langone, Dave Zinno, Paul Nagel
Steve DeConti, Paul Nagel
Clay Nordhill, Paul Nagel, Marty Ballou, Ryan Loud